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In case people haven't seen this yet, there's an "Academics on Mastodon" list on GitHub here:
#Academia #Mastodon #Tips

I'm now aware of 4 tools that can help you find people on Mastodon, particularly people you followed on Twitter. Are there any others?
• Social Search:
• Twitodon:
• Debirdify:
• Fedifinder:

In Episode 3, we talked to Dr Lídia del Rio (@azul) about #QuantumInformation and what it took to co-found the community-driven scientific journal "Quantum".

Take a listen to the episode if you'd like to know more!

#QuantumInformation #QuantumThermodynamics #QuantumJournal #Quantum #insideQuantum #QuantumTechnology #QuantumComputing #Publishing #AcademicPublishing

In Episode 2, we talked to Dr Philippe Faist (@phfaist) about #errorcorrection and #complexity.

How can we make the most of noisy, current-generation quantum computers, and just what is the Error Correction Zoo? Take a listen to find out!

#QEC #ErrorCorrection #QuantumErrorCorrection #NISQ #QuantumComputing #QuantumTechnology #QuantumInformation #insideQuantum

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It's a shame that so many people are joining mastodon[.]social and having a bad experience. Unless you enjoy consuming the internet from a fire hose, you're gonna have a bad time. Moderation there is likely not going to align with your needs.
I am fortunate to have been following @nova on Twitter and saw her posting about #hachyderm, such that I was able to migrate to after only 12 days of joining the fediverse. Even though it's grown to >20k users, the local feed is still readable!

Trying this Mastodon thing by promoting a new preprint from the group on qubit cloaking. Check it out and let me know how it works for you in the lab!

@christianp I created a new Mastodon instance ( and would love to add LaTeX support like the server! Is your code open source? I was hopeful you'd be willing to share 🙃

As promised, the top three papers I found interesting this week:

Real-time quantum error correction beyond break-even (from @Yale_QI researchers)

Efficient Unitary Designs with a System-Size Independent Number of Non-Clifford Gates (@jenseisert and his colleagues)

Cloaking a qubit in a cavity (Alexandre Blais @circuitQED and colleagues)

#Python 3.6 is the new 2.7 in terms of people not being willing to let go. 😅

Python 3.6 is no longer supported upstream, so unless you're paying someone for Python support you are not getting security fixes (and haven't since last year). And if you're thinking of upgrading to 3.7, understand that you're so far behind at this point that 3.7 reaches EOL in about 8 months (June 2023), so you should probably target Python 3.8 at minimum if you're still on 3.6.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!