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Our team has released FIVE papers today on the most COMPREHENSIVE study of an #exoplanet atmosphere to date!

Using #JWST we obtained four transit observations of #WASP39b early in the telescope's operations to study both the planet itself, and the telescope's capabilities to observe exoplanet atmospheres.

We detected numerous molecules in the planet's atmosphere, including CO2, CO, H2O, and SO2 🧵

The future is here! ⭐ 🪐 🔭 #Astrodon #Science

I came across this nice integerological fact:

Define \(\operatorname{ord}_p(n)\) to be the power of \(p\) in the prime factorisation of \(n\).


\[ \sum_{k=1}^n\gcd(n,k) = \prod_{p|n} \left(1+\left(1-\frac{1}{p}\right) \cdot \operatorname{ord}_p(n)\right) \]

I don't know why you'd want to do this, and all the references I've found to it talk about it as a special case of some more general identities, but for some reason it appealed to me.

I'm a graduate student in physics. My recent effort is on understanding the solutions of \(\partial_t^2 \psi - \nabla^2\psi + \psi(\psi\psi^* - \psi_0(t)\psi_0^*(t))=0\). But of course I'm open to be distracted by other good maths. #introduction

@christianp thanks again for sharing your fork! I compiled and deployed christianp/mathstodon-3.5.3 on but now I'm getting an error "Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'nonce-OQqMqadIqohsc6(...)" I found this related thread:, do you know if there are any steps I need to take to make it work on my end? Thank you so much for your help!

@j824h huh good to know.. how does arxiv-vanity deal with this limitation?

@j824h indeed, I was not planning to parse the PDF, that seems like a tedious route

My favorite thing about Mastodon so far is that all of a sudden I have posts about history, archaeology, astrophysics etc in my timeline because even though I follow mostly the same people here as tweeter everyone branched out once they got here and started boosting cool people they ran into here.

@ummjackson very cool, I'll keep an eye out for it! Thanks for the tip I'll check it out.

@threedudesdad what if it's spelled "catsup"? I know it's the exact same thing but for some reason I always expect something a little more fancy

I'm tempted to go and build an bot but one that also shares the first figure in the toot automatically.. someone build that yet?

@balloob ooo nice congrats!! Fun random related note, we almost bought a Philips Hue Bridge but then @basnijholt told us that the Yellow already has a zigbee receiver 😆 all out Hue lights magically work now!! I'll be asking Santa for a lot of smart home devices this year 🎄

@nocontexttrek take it as a compliment, people want you to join their team 🤩

My favorite thing about Mastodon is that it feels like we're taking back the internet.. just like how it was back in the 90's: campy and unpolished, but genuine and personal. Also a little bit like a massive moderation disaster waiting to happen. I'm savoring it for as long as it lasts and before all the big ugly banners and ads inadvertently take over 🥹

First batch of Home Assistant Skyconnect is almost ready to be shipped 😀

RT @GeoPythonConf
We're happy to announce GeoPython 2023, March 06-08 in Basel, Switzerland - the conference for #Python and #Geo
Call for Speakers is now open:
#python #geospatial

hey #datascience #machinelearning peeps! could you please recommend a Mastodon instance for a new tooter interested in ML and data science?

Asking for a friend! thanks!

#recommend #newuser #mastodonmigration

Possibly the most frightening talent of the brown bear is an uncanny ability to blend seamlessly into the environment in an almost chameleon-like manner, allowing them to easily surprise their unsuspecting prey.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!